Compost Thermometer

This year our compost has not been working very well, in fact when i dug it over i found nothing but the material that I put in there. We have 4 large compost bins, each one about 3ft square.

To get great compost ti needs to get up to the right temperature so that the bacteria will break down the material. I bought a compost thermometer to see if the heaps were getting hot enough and found that they were not. after a lot of hard work:

  • Digging them out,
  • Layering fresh green grass cuttings in with the older dry material
  • Adding lots of water
  • Covering with Plastic and Carpet
  • Leaving for a few days.

I then put in the Thermometer again and what a result:

Compost Temperature

Just have to keep an eye on it and dig it over once a week.